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Cheat sheet


Software State

  • Static : Test code for linting and style issues
  • Dynamic : Test software functionality

Importance of software testing

  • No straight forward process
  • Depends on software requirements
  • Objectives :
    • prevents defects by evaluating requirements
    • verifies requirements fulfillment
    • verifies software behavior
    • find defects
    • comply with contract
  • Tester roles :
    • review requirements and prevent ambiguity in definition
    • collaborate with dev to ensure requirements are understood and define tests
    • detect errors and report software readiness

Error vs. Defect vs. Failure

  • misunderstanding of a requirement , error -> invalid user story , defect -> wrong code, defect -> issues while running , failure
  • error -> defect -> failure

code defects

  • Lack of skills
  • Communication problems
  • Time pressure
  • Absence of clear test procedure

Quality assurance QA vs Software testing

  • Quality assurance, has as a process quality management, and within this quality management we can do software testing.
  • Testing is part of QA


  • False positive : Tests fails due to an error unrelated to software like Data ( badly structured data ... ) , environment ( Wrong java version ... )
  • False negative : Test is not detecting existing defects
  • Input + Preconditions => Output , Defect related to Preconditions are hard to detect and reproduce

Testing process and activities

Defect types

  • Ambiguity : parts of the specs are not clear
  • Inaccuracy : parts of the specs lack accuracy, too general or too free
  • Inconsistency : parts of the specs clash with each other


Test driven development :

  • Write unit tests before components and work to comply with those tests

Test levels

  • Components test

    • Separate Unit / Module tests
    • Objectives :
      • verify module functionality
      • prevent regression
      • Assure component quality
      • prevent defects from escaping to higher level ( Snowball effect )
    • Objects ( Targets ):
      • Class
      • Module
      • Function
      • Data structure
    • Detected defects :
      • Incorrect logic
      • Edge cases
  • Integration test

    • focuses on data flow between components
    • finds defect on interactions between system parts
  • System test

    • Validates the complete and fully integrated software product
    • Black box testing : The testing software has no idea what's inside the system
    • Objectives :
      • evaluate the end-to-end system specifications
      • check compliance between input and outputs
  • Acceptance tests

    • black box test
    • performed by clients
    • final phase
    • validates businesses procedure
    • as close as possible to production environment

Test process context

  • Product risk
  • Business domain
  • operation constraints
  • External / Internal policies
  • SDLC : Software development lifecycle
    • SDLC has a big impact of software testing
    • Types :
      • Sequential :
        • Waterfall :
          • Requirement analysis
          • design
          • coding
          • testing
          • w
        • V-Model : For every activity there's a test level v
    • Iterative / Agile
      • Incremental testing
      • test activities overlap
      • test targets / object have minor changes which catches defects faster

Test activities

Test planning

  • Defines objectives
  • Takes context into consideration
  • Can be revisited after test monitoring

Test monitoring and control (always ongoing)

  • monitoring : compares planned progress to actual progress
  • control : take actions to meet objectives
    • assert coverage criteria
    • assert quality level
    • determine the need for more tests

Test analysis (what to test)

  • Identify what to stets
  • Spec / implementation / system, analysis
  • defect identification : ambiguity, Inaccuracy, Inconsistency

Test design (how to test)

  • identify needed resources ( Vms , database ...)
  • identify needed data
  • design test environment
  • design test cases

Test implementation (do we have everything in place in order to execute tests?)

  • prepare test software (testware)
  • Code tests
  • Use test suites
  • Build test env

Test execution

  • Run tests : Automated / Manual
  • Record test execution
  • compare results with expected results
  • Reports ( coverage, failed tests)

Test Completion

  • Summery
  • determine if changes are needed
  • gather reports

Test Work products